- 仕事内容
- キラル光学効果に基づく新たな分光手法,イメージング手法の開発,光による物質のキラリティ誘起に関する研究を主な業務とする。
- 勤務地住所
- 〒444-8585 愛知県岡崎市明大寺町字西郷中38
自然科学研究機構 分子科学研究所(名鉄東岡崎駅から徒歩8分) - 募集人員
- 2名
- 着任時期
- 2023年4月以降,なるべく早い時期
- 勤務形態
- 常勤,年度ごとの更新(単年度契約),原則2025年3月まで(業務実績等により1年または2年間の延長可能性あり)
- 応募資格
- 採用時点で博士の学位を有する者,または取得が確実な者。
- 職名
- 特任研究員(常勤)
- 待遇
- 自然科学研究機構の規定による(給与は経歴,業績等に応じて決定されるが,概算で年額350万円~500万円程度)。給与は年俸制。
- 契約期間
- 単年度契約,年度ごとの更新。原則2025年3月31日まで(業務実績等により1年または2年間の延長可能性あり)。
- 労働形態
- 職員就業規則に基づく(専門業務型裁量労働制,みなし労働7時間45分/日)
- 保険
- 文部科学省共済組合に加入,雇用保険の適用あり
- 休日
- 土曜日,日曜日,祝日,年末年始(12月29日~1月3日)
- 休暇
- 年次有給休暇,夏季休暇(付与に条件あり)
その他,自然科学研究機構規程に従う。研究所内では,喫煙所以外は禁煙 - 募集期間
- 2023年04月15日 必着
適任者があった場合,募集を締め切ることがあります。 - 応募方法
- 以下の書類を,下記連絡先まで送付(電子メールまたはファイル転送サービス)のこと。
(1) 履歴書(書式はなるべく以下にあるものを使用のこと)
(2) 業績リスト
(3) 論文別刷 5編以内
(4) これまでの研究内容の概要(A4版用紙2ページ以内)
(5) 推薦者あるいは照会可能な方の氏名及び連絡先
電子メールで送付の場合は,上記(1)-(5)それぞれを別なpdfファイルとし,総容量を数MB以内として添付書類で下記に送付のこと。容量が大きい場合は安全性の確保されたファイル転送サービス等を利用のこと。 - 選考内容
- 過去の研究業績等を書類審査の上,必要に応じて面接を実施して決定し,結果を本人に通知します。適任者のない場合,採用を保留,または見送ることがあります。
- 結果通知方法
- 結果は本人に電子メールで通知します。応募書類は,原則として返却しません。返却しない応募書類は,当方において破砕処分します。応募書類は,本選考の目的のみに使用し,他の目的には使用しません。
- 問い合わせ連絡先
- 〒444-8585 愛知県岡崎市明大寺町字西郷中38
自然科学研究機構 分子科学研究所 教授 岡本裕巳
Open position: postdoctoral fellow (Okamoto group, Inst. Mol. Sci.)
Institution:National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Institute for Molecular Science
Department:Center for Mesoscopic Sciences
Institute for Molecular Science (IMS) is an inter-university collaborative institute for molecular science as a basic research of wide variety of research fields that span from materials to life sciences. Okamoto group studies excited state properties of nano-/micro-materials (plasmonic materials etc.) and their interaction with molecules by means of nano-optics and novel imaging methods as major experimental techniques. At present, the group conducts researches on chirality and optical activity of nano-/micromaterials and biological tissues, and their relation to molecular interactions. The present post-doc fellow is expected to engage in development of novel chiro-optical spectroscopic and imaging methods and researches on materials chirality induction by light.
- Job description
- Development of novel chiro-optical spectroscopic and imaging methods, observation and measurements with that, analysis of the results obtained, and researches on materials chirality induction by light.
- Address of work location
- Institute for Molecular Science
38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585
(8 min. walk from Meitetsu Higashi-Okazaki station) - Available positions
- 2 Project Research Staff (Postdoctoral Researcher)
- Starting date
- As early as possible after April 1st, 2023.
- Employment status
- Single fiscal year contract. The contract will be terminated at March 2025 (possibly extended for 1 or 2 years depending on the achievement and other conditions).
- Qualifications
- PhD degree required.
Experience in development of optical or spectroscopic measurement setup (apparatus) is preferable. - Job title
- Project Research Staff (Postdoctoral Researcher)
- Compensation
- following the institutional rules. (The salary depends on academic and job careers and achievements: approximately 3,500 to 5,000 thousands JPY incl. tax and social insurance.) Annual salary system.
- Contract period
- Contract fiscal year by fiscal year. The contract will be terminated at March 31st, 2025 (possibly extended for 1 or 2 years depending on the achievement and other conditions).
- Working style
- Base on the rules of employment (Discretionary working system for specialized work type, deemed work 7 hrs 45 mins / day)
- Insurance
- Mutual Aid Association of MEXT
- Holidays
- Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, year end and new-year holidays (Dec. 29 – Jan. 3)
- Leaves
- Annual payed leaves, summer break
Other conditions follows the regulations of the National Institutes of Natural Sciences.
No smoking in the buildings of the institute - Application period
- until April 15th, 2023
The recruitment will be closed when the candidate is decided. - Application/selection
- The following documents should be sent to the contact address indicated below (via e-mail).
(1) CV (date of birth should be included)
(2) List of publications/presentations
(3) Reprint(s) of publication(s), 5 papers or less
(4) Summary of research works in the past (2 pages or less)
(5) Contact address(es) of reference(s)
If the documents are to be sent via e-mail, documents (1) to (5) should be saved as separate pdf files, and the files can be sent as attachment files of an e-mail if the total file size is less than several MB. If the total file size is very large, consider the use of a secure file transmission system.
The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant. - Selection details
- The past achievements will be reviewed based on the submitted documents, and have an interview as necessary before decision. The result is notified directly to the applicant.
- Result notification method
- The result will be notified via e-mail. The application documents will not be returned to the applicant. The documents will not be used for other purposes than the selection, and will be crashed to dispose.
- Contact information
- Hiromi Okamoto, Prof. Dr.
Institute for Molecular Science
38 Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, Japan
E-mail: aho!a!ims.ac.jp
(“!a!” should be replaced with an at mark)
Phone: +81-564-55-7320